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Royal Mail tests drone deliveries between remote Scottish Isles

Royal Mail tests drone deliveries between remote Scottish Isles
Royal Mail tests drone deliveries between remote Scottish Isles
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Royal Mail is taking mail delivery to new heights. The parcel service, in partnership with Skyports and Argyll and Bute Council, is testing drone deliveries between the remote isles of Islay and Jura in the Inner Hebrides. 

The initiative will see postal workers handling the mail on both sides for the first time. The drone is capable of carrying up to 6kg. It’s the same model used in a previous trial in Orkney and is replacing the usual ferry transport.

Royal Mail’s drone flight journey 

This is Royal Mail’s sixth drone trial and the second using Extended Visual Line of Sight (EVLOS) flying. EVLOS allows drones to travel further than the standard range by using trained observers along the route. 

These observers provide the remote pilot with important updates to keep the drone safely away from other air users, structures, and hazards.

How is Royal Mail planning to improve delivery to remote communities?

The Royal Mail has a Universal Service Obligation to deliver the next day to all 32 million UK addresses. Therefore, it is exploring using drones to make deliveries more reliable, efficient, and environmentally friendly.

Chris Paxton, Royal Mail’s head of drones, says: “As parcel volumes increase, we are continually looking for new ways to provide a reliable, fast and lower emission service to all our customers no matter where they live.”

UK flight trial 

Alex Brown, director of Skyports Drone Services, says Argyll and Bute have been an important region for the company’s UK flight trial. 

“With its coastal and island geography, drone services can significantly improve connectivity. [It can also] bring substantial time savings for essential services such as medical logistics,” says Brown. 

Choosing drones for delivery 

There are several reasons drones are being used to deliver packages. The standout has to be speed of delivery. Drones fly above ground and are not restricted by traffic.

Another factor is deliveries will not be hampered by the issue of labor shortages, and they may be in flight during a lunch hour, when a person has to take breaks – the drone does not. 

Drones are cost-effective. Imagine a courier fleet’s fuel bill at the end of each month. The drone does not travel on roads, so there is less wear and tear on the drone as opposed to a vehicle which may be stranded at a service center for a particular problem. 

Vehicle repairs can be costly. In addition, drones do not emit toxic fumes. 

NOW READ: The role of drones in last-mile delivery

Photo Credit: Royal Mail (Facebook) 

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About the author

Sharl is a qualified journalist. He has over 10 years’ experience in the media industry, including positions as an editor of a magazine and Business Editor of a daily newspaper. Sharl also has experience in logistics specifically operations, where he worked with global food aid organisations distributing food into Africa. Sharl enjoys writing business stories and human interest pieces.

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