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Men make more online shopping purchases than women – Evri survey

Men make more online shopping purchases than women – Evri survey
Men make more online shopping purchases than women – Evri survey
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Did you know, men are big spenders? Evri’s latest Consumer Trends Report shares interesting insights into shopping habits, with men spending more (both online and in-store) compared to women. 

Evri, the UK’s largest parcel delivery company, commissioned the report as part of its 50th anniversary celebrations.

The survey found that men make an average of 64 online purchases per year, compared to women who average 56 purchases annually. This gap only gets bigger once online shopping habits are put under the microscope. 

When it comes to virtual carts, 30% of men receive more than three deliveries per week, compared to 25% of women. In addition, men are also more likely to shop in physical stores than women. 

Approximately 57% of men reported shopping on the high street at least once a week, compared to 47% of women.

Online shopping evolution

Evri CEO Martijn De Lange says this data shows the “changing landscape of retail,” since more than half of people now shop online. “Our report provides key insight into the trends driving the growth of home shopping.” 

The report highlights the rapid growth of online shopping over the past 10 years. A similar survey from a decade ago showed that only 10 of people shopped online. Now, in 2024, that figure rose to 57%. 

Price remains the ultimate factor when it comes to these shopping decisions, with 60% of customers citing it as “the biggest influence.”

Evolving customer demands

Consumers want faster delivery times and more convenient shopping experiences. But they also want companies that protect their data and offer them sustainable shopping and delivery options. 

ALSO READ: What do customers really want? Companies that prioritize data protection

In fact, one in four (25%) of consumers demand sustainable delivery options, and they’re happy to find new retailers if their first choice isn’t willing to budge on sustainability. 

But despite evolving consumer demands and economic challenges – such as inflation and cost-of-living pressures – online retail continues to grow, with both men and women embracing digital shopping platforms.

Image credit: Evri.com

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About the author

Cheryl has contributed to various international publications, with a fervor for data and technology. She explores the intersection of emerging tech trends with logistics, focusing on how digital innovations are reshaping industries on a global scale. When she's not dissecting the latest developments in AI-driven innovation and digital solutions, Cheryl can be found gaming, kickboxing, or navigating the novel niches of consumer gadgetry.

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