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Route Optimization Frustrates Customers! Boost The Delivery Experience

Delivery transparency: Estimated hours frustrate customers
Delivery transparency: Estimated hours frustrate customers
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Often, companies forget about route optimization. Knowing when a parcel will arrive at home is essential, especially if plenty of other orders are on the day’s list. The frustration rolls in when online stores outsource delivery, and the customer has few communication methods. 

Last-mile delivery is crucial; it’s linked to a customer’s experience. 

Locate2u CEO Steve Orenstein knows how critical customer reviews and impressions are. He ended up recently on the receiving end of a frustrating delivery experience. He ordered a high-tech bike from Peloton, which then outsourced the delivery to a third company. After three attempts, the driver managed to find someone at home. It would have been different had the company used route optimization and live tracking software. 

Route optimization and live tracking software take the pain out of the delivery process.

Route Optimization & Delivery Notifications Are Vital!

In this case, the courier company gave a two-hour notice for the delivery. But two hours is a long time to wait during a work week. In this case, Orenstein ended up missing the delivery. “The driver tried to contact me. I happened to be on a plane and was just getting off the plane. Some random number was phoning me, and I didn’t know who it was, so I missed the call. However, the driver had already left, and I couldn’t get back in contact with that particular driver.” 

Orenstein says he had to make numerous calls to follow up on his undelivered order. “I even rang the delivery provider at four o’clock in the afternoon. I got a voicemail saying their offices were closed even at four o’clock in the afternoon.”

Peloton has since reached out for feedback and to review the customer’s experience. 

Poor Push Notifications, SMS & Route Optimization Leads to Bad Reviews

Miscommunication can lead to bad product reviews, whereas a live tracking code could have solved this problem. 

Orenstein agrees, “Had I received a tracking link and asked if I knew the live location of that driver, and I saw that driver as he was arriving. It would have been much, much easier for me to go. Then, the product would have been delivered, saving them the hassle of sending out another driver. This obviously would have cost them the money. I don’t know whether that’s costing the delivery company or Peloton money.”

Why Is Live Tracking Important For The Delivery Experience?

A tracking link can assure the customer of who their driver is and estimated arrival time. Initially, the tracking link will give an estimated hour time window. But as the driver gets closer, the time will be updated in real-time to the minute of the delivery. 

Orenstein says route optimization software also has other benefits to add to customer experience. “You can also have the driver’s phone number in there so they can directly communicate with the driver.”

In this case, Orenstein had no idea where the driver was on his route scheduled for the day. Using a tracking number would have improved the experience drastically.

About the author

Mia Lindeque

Mia is a multi-award-winning journalist. She has more than 14 years of experience in mainstream media. She's covered many historic moments that happened in Africa and internationally. She has a strong focus on human interest stories, to bring her readers and viewers closer to the topics at hand.

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