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How to improve customer satisfaction through driver rating and feedback

How to improve customer satisfaction through driver rating and feedback
How to improve customer satisfaction through driver rating and feedback
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How are you supposed to improve customer satisfaction if you don’t know that somewhere, a disappointed customer is hoping for better service? Often, it’s something that can be fixed in a jiffy. 

However, some business owners believe if it restricts any form of feedback from customers, there won’t be any bad reviews about the company on the internet.

This is not the smartest business outlook. 

Almost 70% of the global population has access to mobile internet. One way or the other, a disappointed customer will find their way to some form of social media platform and spread the news about your bad customer care.

Here’s what to do: In this article, you’ll learn more about how to improve your drivers’ performance, tips to get customers to rate your service, and see why software analytics plays a vital role.

Why do you need to care about customer feedback?

There are four important reasons why you should care about what your customers say and think about your business in feedback requests.

  • Guides improvement
  • Builds loyalty
  • Enhances reputation
  • Helps innovation

How driver feedback guides improvement

How will you grow your business if customers who regularly experience your service or product do not point out its pain points? Businesses that listen to feedback can identify areas for improvement. If you ignore it, you risk losing touch with what customers really want.

Building loyalty through customer satisfaction surveys

When customers feel heard, they are more likely to stay loyal. Customers want to know that they are valued. A positive experience after bad feedback can turn into a customer recommending the company to others. Word-of-mouth is great for your marketing.

Feedback enhances your business reputation

It’s tempting to delete bad reviews on social media and move on. However, showing transparency and accountability can improve your public perception.

Customer ratings can lead to innovation

New ideas often sprout out of suggestions made by customers who are not happy with the current service or product. Businesses often use feedback as a source of inspiration to stay ahead of competitors.

Measuring customer satisfaction: 3 Ways

The three most often used ways to track customer satisfaction are CSAT, NPS, and CES. Using software like Locate2u, you can send snap surveys after a delivery to measure customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction score (CSAT) is calculated by asking customers to rate how satisfied they are with the service or product on a scale of one to five or one to 10. This gives a quick overview of whether the customer is happy with the experience.

Customer effort score (CES) asks customers to rate how easy it was to complete a task, such as making an online purchase or returning a parcel. The easier the experience, the more likely the customer will return.

Net promoter score (NPS) is calculated when a business asks a customer how likely they are to recommend the business to a friend. This score also allows for innovative suggestions to improve the service or product.

Why only five-star ratings are not good for your business

Nobody wants that negative feedback that continues to be a thorn in the flesh whenever someone searches the internet for your company’s name. We all want that five-star rating on reviews.

Here’s the kicker: with a ‘too good rating,’ customers also doubt your service, thinking it’s not a true reflection of the service.

Let’s say you have over a hundred reviews, and they are all 5-star ratings. You, too, would start suspecting something is too good to be true. Customers start questioning the validity of the rating, no matter how great the product or business is.

How do you deal with dissatisfied customers?

Improving customer satisfaction is easier than you think. It’s about open communication, swift action, and proactive problem-solving. 

First, assess the customer satisfaction levels. Resolving an average rating quickly and causing minimal friction can improve customer satisfaction.

However, a more careful approach is needed for those with more complex customer needs.

Clear communication is needed to improve customer satisfaction

Open communication builds trust. You can turn a bad review into a loyal customer if he/she feels heard and understood. It can also de-escalate frustration and help to resolve the problem faster.

Swift response can improve the customer satisfaction score

Time is crucial when dealing with a frustrated and annoyed customer. If the customer has a certain expectation, he/she doesn’t want to wait any longer to get what he/she was promised.

The faster you respond, the more valued the customer feels. This sets the stage for resolving the issue before emotions escalate.

Proactive problem-solving can improve customer satisfaction score

Going the extra mile for a customer shows that the business is not only seeking to “fix” its mistake to restore its reputation but that it genuinely cares about customer loyalty.

It shows customers that the business will make adjustments to ensure this doesn’t happen in the future.

Can driver ratings and feedback improve customer satisfaction?

Driver ratings and feedback directly impact the quality of the last-mile delivery experience. Therefore, it’s vital not to ignore this part of the logistics process.


  • It drivers accountability, encouraging drivers to maintain high standards.
  • Feedback helps identify drivers who need to improve. Companies can easily reward good driver performance and encourage better customer service.
  • Patterns in feedback can highlight specific areas where drivers need training.

How to get customers to provide feedback?

Wondering how you can get customers to actually take a few minutes and fill out the feedback survey?

There are four things to consider: simplifying the process, incentivizing, asking at the right time, and personalizing the request.

You can offer a small reward, like a discount on their next purchase. But asking at the right time is crucial. It must be immediately after the service has been completed when the experience is still fresh in their minds. 

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About the author

Mia is a multi-award-winning journalist. She has more than 14 years of experience in mainstream media. She's covered many historic moments that happened in Africa and internationally. She has a strong focus on human interest stories, to bring her readers and viewers closer to the topics at hand.

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